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The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date and to keep Windows performing properly. This event indicates that the InventoryDeviceContainer object is no longer present. This event indicates that a new set of InventoryDeviceContainerAdd events will be sent. This event retrieves information about what sensor interfaces are available on the device. This event indicates that a new set of InventoryDeviceInterfaceAdd events will be sent. This event sends additional metadata about a Plug and Play device that is specific to a particular class of devices.

The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date and performing properly while reducing overall size of data payload. This event indicates that the InventoryDeviceMediaClass object represented by the objectInstanceId is no longer present. This event is used to understand a PNP device that is specific to a particular class of devices. This event sends basic metadata about a PNP device and its associated driver to help keep Windows up to date.

This information is used to assess if the PNP device and driver will remain compatible when upgrading Windows. This event indicates that the InventoryDevicePnpRemove object is no longer present. This event sends basic metadata about sensor devices on a machine.

This event indicates that a new set of InventoryDeviceSensor events will be sent. This event sends basic metadata about the USB hubs on the device. This event sends basic metadata about driver binaries running on the system. This event indicates that the InventoryDriverBinary object is no longer present. This event indicates that a new set of InventoryDriverBinaryAdd events will be sent. This event sends basic metadata about drive packages installed on the system.

This event indicates that the InventoryDriverPackageRemove object is no longer present. This event indicates that a new set of InventoryDriverPackageAdd events will be sent. This event sends details collected for a specific application on the source device. This event indicates the beginning of a series of AppHealthStaticAdd events.

This event indicates that this particular data object represented by the objectInstanceId is no longer present. This event provides data on the installed Office add-ins. This event indicates that the particular data object represented by the objectInstanceId is no longer present. This event indicates that a new sync is being generated for this object type. Diagnostic event to indicate a new sync is being generated for this object type.

This is a diagnostic event that indicates a new sync is being generated for this object type. This event represents the basic metadata about the OS indicators installed on the system. The data collected with this event helps ensure the device is up to date and keeps Windows performing properly. This event is used to understand the OS indicators installed on the system. The data collected with this event helps ensure the device is current and Windows is up to date and performing properly.

This critical device configuration event provides information about drivers for a driver installation that took place within the kernel. This event is sent when a problem code is cleared from a device. This event is sent when a new problem code is assigned to a device.

This event sends Product and Service Performance data on which area of the device exceeded safe temperature limits and caused the device to shutdown. This information is used to ensure devices are behaving as they are expected to. This event provides Winload fatal error information. This config event sends basic device connectivity and configuration information from Microsoft Edge about the current data collection consent, app version, and installation state to keep Microsoft Edge up to date and secure.

This Ping event sends a detailed inventory of software and hardware information about the EdgeUpdate service, Edge applications, and the current system environment including app configuration, update configuration, and hardware capabilities. One or more events is sent each time any installation, update, or uninstallation occurs with the EdgeUpdate service or with Edge applications. This event is used to measure the reliability and performance of the EdgeUpdate service and if Edge applications are up to date.

This is an indication that the event is designed to keep Windows secure and up to date. This event sends hardware and software inventory information about the Microsoft Edge Update service, Microsoft Edge applications, and the current system environment, including app configuration, update configuration, and hardware capabilities. It's used to measure the reliability and performance of the EdgeUpdate service and if Microsoft Edge applications are up to date.

This event returns data to track the count of the migration objects across various phases during feature update. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and to track data loss scenarios. This event returns data about the count of the migration objects across various phases during feature update.

This event includes a success or failure summary of the installation. This event includes basic data about the installation state of dependent OneDrive components. This event indicates if the OneDrive overlay icon is working correctly. This event sends information describing the result of the update. This event determines the error code that was returned when verifying Internet connectivity. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows product and service performing properly.

This event tracks protocol launching for Setting's URIs. This event is used to determine whether the user successfully completed the privacy consent experience. This event provides the effectiveness of new privacy experience. This event emits the start of the windows setup boot routine during upgrade. This routine determines the state of the upgrade and handles properly moving the upgrade forward or rolling back the device. This event emits the stop of the windows setup boot routine during upgrade.

This event sends data indicating that the device has invoked the WinSetupBoot successfully. This event is used to indicate whether there were any warnings when we were trying to skip a reboot during feature upgrade. This event sends basic metadata about the SetupPlatform update installation process, to help keep Windows up to date. This event sends basic metadata about the update installation process generated by SetupPlatform to help keep Windows up to date.

This service retrieves events generated by SetupPlatform, the engine that drives the various deployment scenarios, to help keep Windows up to date. This event sends tracking data about the software distribution client check for content that is applicable to a device, to help keep Windows up to date. This event sends data on whether the Update Service has been called to execute an upgrade, to help keep Windows up to date. This event sends tracking data about the software distribution client download of the content for that update, to help keep Windows up to date.

This event allows tracking of ongoing downloads and contains data to explain the current state of the download. This event sends tracking data about the software distribution client installation of the content for that update, to help keep Windows up to date. This is a revert event for target update on Windows Update Client. This is a start event for Server Initiated Healing client. This is an uninstall event for target update on Windows Update Client. This event helps to identify whether update content has been tampered with and protects against man-in-the-middle attack.

This event collects information to keep track of health indicator of the built-in micro controller. For example, the number of abnormal shutdowns due to power issues during boot sequence, type of display panel attached to base, thermal indicator, throttling data in hardware etc.

The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and performing properly. This event includes the hardware level data about battery performance. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows products and services performing properly. The data The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly.

This event sends basic information when AQUA launches and checks for any self update. This event sends basic info on whether the device should be updated to the latest cumulative update.

The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date and secure. This event is raised after an executable delivered by Mitigation Service has run and failed. Data from this event is used to measure the health of mitigations used by engineers to solve in-market problems on internal, insider, and retail devices.

Failure data will also be used for root-cause investigation by feature teams, as signal to halt mitigation rollout and, possible follow-up action on specific devices still impacted by the problem because the mitigation failed i. This event is raised when a targeted mitigation is rejected by the device based on the device's preference, or if it has already been applied.

This enables us to find out why an applicable mitigation was not executed by the device. Data from this event is used to measure the health of mitigations service stack used by engineers to solve in-market problems on internal, insider, and retail devices.

This event is raised after an executable delivered by Mitigation Service has successfully run. This event indicates that the detection phase of USO has started. Didn't match my screen. Incorrect instructions. Too technical. Not enough information. Not enough pictures. Any additional feedback? Submit feedback. I had previosly an interesting use case at the customer, I had to reinstall a built-in application on a Windwos 10 client :.

If you want to remove and reinstall the Store app, you can only bring Store back by either restoring your system from a backup or resetting your system. Instead of removing the Store app, you should use group policies to hide or disable it. Download this ISO and use these source files.

Download and use the correct one. My one-line PS script to reinstall the Windows Store app looks very simple:. Note that the this command can reinstall not just the Store app but also all other default apps that ship with Windows 10 which have been removed for some reason. This ISO contains these required files too. You can just use the same one-line script for the installation as well.

One last question, we have W10 x64 and we now used the Microsoft. What is the difference with the same files from the amd64fre folder on the Inbox ISO? Just to make sure we use the right files. Either use -SkipLicense! I have seen this mentioned elsewhere, but nobody ever said where to get the ISO from. Replies: 5 Views: , Enthousiast Jul 5, Tito , Aug 1, Replies: 2 Views: 11, Tito Aug 2, Windows 10 activation most official Klarinka14 , Nov 22, at Replies: 7 Views: Replies: 4 Views: Replies: 94 Views: 8, Dgk Nov 22, at Replies: 6, Views: 1,, Enthousiast Nov 22, at Replies: Views: 93, Replies: 9 Views: BAU Nov 21, at Diese Information ist auch wichtig, falls ihr ein Problem habt und uns im Windows Forum auch als Gast eine Frage stellt.

So kann euch dann schneller geholfen werden. Wenn man schon in der Eingabeaufforderung ist, kann man auch gleich den Befehl eingeben und die installierte Version auslesen. Es gibt einige Bezeichnungen, wie zum Beispiel den Codenamen, die Zahlenkette der Buildnummer oder die Versionsnummer. Wichtig bei Fragen, die man im Forum stellt sind die ersten Beiden Angaben, die wir hier aufgelistet haben.

Da diese erst aktualisiert wird, wenn eine Insider Version fast fertig ist. Welche die aktuelle Version ist, erfahrt ihr immer bei uns im Blog , oder oben in den Links unter: Wichtig. Hier gibt es keinen Unterschied. Beispiel: windows Diese sind identisch.


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