A3launcher what should my mod download path be

Check out our article as well for extra tips! Did you find it helpful? Yes No. Ask the community Suggest a feature. Hi, how can we help? Enter your search term here If you don't have Java installed on your system, you will likely receive the following Windows system message when trying to launch modpacks: Both in this case, and in cases where you do have Java but are still experiencing issues running modpacks - installing the latest Java version can solve the issue.

Hi I've been trying to get my server up and running for the past few days and appreciate all the help this forum has provided. When I do a server check on their website it comes back with the following error; "Oh snap! I also switched it out to the Armaholics version just in case there was some sort of error with that instance of the mod. Is there some file that I need to edit the title of in order for A3 launcher to recognize this?

I don't use the launcher myself but am concerned that since so many players do not many are even going to be aware of the server on offer. The reason I ask is that I was not aware that one could download mods from the stock launcher. That doesn't mean it can't be done, it just means I'm a little slow :wacko:.

I have to concur. Its confusing and frustrating for those players and server owners who have to add those files in order for person's using that particular launcher can join their servers. So yes, basically you need all the mods in order to play in that specific server. You can download most mods from Steam Workshop however some mods like RHS mods you need to download from other sources such as armaholic or playwithsix.

This prevented me from playing a server as it tried to access a mod from the workshop. All i had to do was run steam as Admin :L hope this helps someone, good luck. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 29 Jun, am. Posts: Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. All rights reserved. Originally posted by Snacklemore :. Originally posted by FAT Reaper :. I tried all sorts of suggested fixes.

To no avail. I am currently waiting for the mods i need to finish downloading, but I can already verify that the corrupt CBA mod I had is no longer corrupt and when i click on folder it takes me to the where it is now.

PITA, but it worked. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 12 Oct, am. Posts:


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