Changeling the lost 2nd edition pdf download
Most of th [ See All Ratings and Reviews. Browse Categories. Wolfenoot Sale. Storytellers Vault. World of Darkness. Chronicles of Darkness.
Year of the Road. Year of the Tide. Game Line. Vampire the Masquerade. Werewolf the Apocalypse. Mage the Ascension. Vampire: the Requiem. Werewolf: the Forsaken. Mage: the Awakening.
Dark Eras. Product Type. Character Books. Core Rulebooks. Live Action Role Playing. Player Guides. Storyteller Handbooks. Card Games. RPG Media. Resources for SV Creators. Chronicle Books. Gift Certificates. A complete setting of faerie wonder and macabre horror for the Chronicles of Darkness.
A guide to changeling society , caught between the twin poles of human hearts and the vast fantastic. Supernatural powers , mystical oaths , and creatures out of legend. Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased. Reviews 5. Please log in to add or reply to comments.
I see that only the Standard Color Hardcover Book is currently available i. Does this mean the Premium Color Hardback Books are out of print or is this merely a temporary absence i. What is the difference between the premium hardcover and the standard hardcover?
Is this book meant to be used with the God Machine Chronicles rules update? I have been waiting for that edition of Changeling for a while and i want to be sure BEFORE I spend how ever much money on it that I am not going to accidentally buy the wrong book.
This is a stand-alone core rulebook. No other books are needed to run CtL 2e. Do you need the Chronicles of Darkness book to run it or is it all together in 2e? Everything is in this book, though having the corebook will provide more options, subsystems, and other things that will help greatly. B February 09, pm UTC. The CofD book will help with some fiddly detail bits, but it's not needed.
If the game you are playing uses Doors, Conditions, Experience Beats and similar mechanics than Chronicles of Darkness is what you are looking for. January 17, am UTC.
Okay, so what happened to all that antagonists stuff on the Huntsmen? That sounded like a pretty compelling idea but it's not listed in the contents?! Are the old source books compatible with the new edition? Just bought the book for a campaign I'm planning to run, and it doesn't look like it.
If you happen to have the old books already they're still going to be a useful source of inspiration or for rule-hacks, but if you're planning on running or playing a 2nd Edition game straight, there's likely not enough in the old books to make them worth buying.
Having said all that, I did mention rule hacks because there's a few rule-changes here and there that I'm not entirely happy with and was planning on swapping back in the 1st Edition rules or homebrewing an amalgam of the two in those instances. Luckily I'm not trying to balance that out against the other game lines, so I have a bit of leeway on that.
But that last one doesn't completely contradict the earlier Contracts. The God-Machine Chronicle. Werewolf The Forsaken - Second Edition. Topic: Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition I'll second that the changes are vast enough that you really do need to get a hold of the anniversary edition if someone is using it.
But they finished gathering. But they finished gathering The fae must strive to forestall the coming Winter and bring about an endless Spring lest Banality consume all and the Dreaming be lost. Changeling Second Edition features a clarified and expanded setting and cosmology, as well as completely new and revised rules. Yet it's fully compatible with first edition and the rest of the Storyteller games.
From the Back Cover: A flayed body is found in a landfill. This is no cadaver of a helpless victim, though - the corpse is Garou. The People remember. A man killed werewolves, taking their skins. A blasphemous rite bound the skins of Garou to the body of a Kinfolk, creating a new werewolf.
A Skin Dancer. The Skinner is dead, though. Samuel Haight tried for too much power and was obliterated Changeling The Lost. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Hunter the Vigil - Witch Finders. They promised you a place at their side, and meaning in your life, and they surrounded you with beautiful things. On the last day, you smashed your way through the beautiful things and ran, not noticing as you bled or feeling as you cried.
Everything you need to create and play your own changeling, a human abducted by the fae and transformed by the experience. A complete setting of faerie wonder and macabre horror for the Chronicles of Darkness. The roll required for harvesting is flexible in practice, enough and the actions allow for it many uses of Glam- depending on just how the changeling goes about interact- our are reflexive , she may use multiple such abilities in the ing with the target.
A hard-edged Ogre might feed on the same turn. Changelings can spend a point of Glamour actively eliciting emotions. Changelings garner one point of Glamour per success on a harvesting roll. Fresher or more deep-seated Glamour to strengthen the Mask see p.
Slapping someone in the face generates as a reflexive action, the character can dispel the Mask for a quick rush of anger, but it is the fae equivalent of a candy one scene see above, p. Provoking a fight or a long-festering rage provides waves of raw emotional energy see p.
New love, fresh and power- ful grief, or the ecstasy of an addict taking that first hit for Harvesting Glamour the day are to changelings what a three-course meal is to Harvesting Glamour is an intensely emotional action. A single character may only Many changelings liken it to a combination of euphoric be harvested once per scene. Harvested characters gain the high, revelatory dream, and body-shuddering orgasm all Reticent Condition see p. They feed on the power of sen- timent and the essence of emotion, drawing life from the Reticent New Condition very feelings of living things.
This is not necessarily a pred- Your character has lost emotion, and is but a dull reflec- atory act although changelings can prey on their victims tion of her normal self. How- does not require actually harming the subject. While a changeling cannot harvest Glamour from whichever is longer.
Fulfilling her Virtue amount they may attempt to harvest from mortal beings. By in a particularly impressive, exciting, or dangerous fashion.
Changelings have been transformed by the power of Animals may not be harvested; their emotions are simply Faerie into something both fae and human. Low Clar- for those skilled enough to find it. Changelings can step into ity changelings struggle to separate the fantastic from the mortal dreams and harvest their energy, and enjoy the bene- mundane. Her dreams bleed into reality, and elements from fit of the emotions being unfiltered by the conscious mind.
She sees faces, Harvesting the fonts of Glamour hidden within dreams is hears the voices of strange Hedge beasts, or objects from not always a safe or simple process.
To even do so, she must Faerie transposed on the mortal world. Once inside, she must brave the surreal dangerous. Changelings of low Clarity find it difficult or shifting dreamscape to acquire Glamour. The roll required eventually impossible to function properly in either world. The more experi- Clarity replaces the Integrity trait used by human char- enced and powerful the changeling, the greater her chances acters see p.
Mortal characters who undergo a of success harvesting from dreams. Changelings escape cretion, harvesting from specific dreams and memories can the Hedge with seven dots of Clarity.
Regardless of the Attribute and Skill used, balance between a world of concrete and one where dreams the changeling always adds her Wyrd to this roll. It is a more time-intensive process than perceptions remain. The changeling might suf- Clarity operates on a range from 0 to A changeling fer penalties for attempting to rush the process, but whether at Clarity 0 is every bit as alien as the True Fae that rule or not she does, a successful roll yields twice the Glamour Arcadia.
Those with Clarity 10 are some of the most per- as normal. That is to say, each success offers two Glamour. A for more information. Typically this takes the form one additional breaking point trigger.
Additionally, Seem- of goblin fruits, though rare pools of almost raw Glamour ing provides one trigger she shares with all others of her sometimes well up in the Hedge. Eating some Hedge strong, story-appropriate triggers. If she still has Touchstones, she can roll resonating glass or dancing in a faerie ring.
However, she may spend. This Condition fades natu- danger. Whenever your character faces a breaking point, rally after one day per dot of wyrd. If it fades, do not take take a Beat. She takes the Resolution: Gain a dot of Clarity, a new Touchstone, or Delusional Condition, but it becomes Persistent until she undergo a moment of significant personal growth to ground gains Clarity. Your character cannot act, and loses access to yourself once more.
After the first turn, Beat: Your lack of discretion causes you trouble in mor- she may spend Willpower to take an action for a single turn, tal or changeling society only if Persistent. However, Embracing the Wyrd ends this effect and causes another Crafting Triggers breaking point at the end of the scene. Breaking point triggers are unique to every changeling, Failure: A little more of your clarity of mind slips away. These triggers are Your character cannot act this turn, and loses access to his persons, places, things, behaviors, or any other reminder Defense.
The line between the real world and the fantastic that he exists in a state of constant duality. Confronting blur. In addition to losing a dot of Clarity, your character these triggers calls into question his Clarity. She gains the Acuity Condition.
This could be reflected in the service she Extraordinary Success: Your character sees through the conducted in Faerie, it could be literally tied to a material fogs that cloud her vision. She has a brief moment of reve- or type of object, a specific behavior, or whatever reminder lation that grants her the Acuity Condition, and one other of why she had to leave.
She understands the world in ways most work, a place, or any other thing that made her captivity will never, if temporarily. She gains 8-again on any rolls strike hard. On the Additional triggers do not have to follow these rules.
This Condition fades after one day per dot of Clar- broad. If your character lost his husband in the abduc- ity. If it fades, do not take a Beat, and do not gain Clarity. If resolved, gain a expression. So, while confronting his lost love could trigger Clarity dot. She may react to or even the player feels it fits. Some triggers are going to be more converse with things that are not there or perhaps they common than others, and differently so in different types are, but only for her.
She is slowly losing touch with the of games. This could happen incidentally as play progresses, mortal world and may even feel the call of the Hedge. In fact, players should feel empowered to intro- detachment rolls, and Social Skill rolls not made with crea- duce triggers to confront when they feel it would suit the tures of the Hedge. His player might say that just their minds quicken, more accustomed to filtering the being invited is enough to trigger a breaking point.
Or, he sensory input of disparate worlds. This applies to any percep- could struggle with going or staying home, since going out tion-based rolls, including Contracts and other fae magics.
It also applies to rolls to solve riddles, to piece together log- When dealing with the general application of a trigger, ical conundrums, and to discern the truth.
Any does not apply. This does not protect her from The following are just a few examples of breaking point fae magic, curiously, but other forms of supernatural power. Numina, and all the other strangeness of the World of Darkness.
Aeryn is a Windwing newly returned from the Hedge. In Arcadia she served as a hunting companion for her Keeper, bid- Clarity Chart den to track other changelings and screaming fae beasts from Clarity Perception emerald skies. At 4 -1 this point, she gains a new trigger, something related to her 3 -2 adventures. Many changelings are skilled at this, at least Another character in the motley is Three-Forged Jinn, a until they lose their grip on Clarity and sink into mad- Fireheart of the Summer Court.
Jinn became Three-Forged by ness. Any changeling can use a reflexive action to detect the heat of three events: abduction, escape, and joining the Sum- the presence of magic in the area. Roll Clarity as a dice mer Court. He considers himself a brand the Lost may use to pool. In Faerie he behalf as a reflexive ability. It can no longer bull that screamed with the victims trapped inside. Now Jinn be done reflexively. Before he was taken, Jinn was a gifted mechanic. He owned Roll Results his own auto shop.
Now, every time he sees a customer or a car Dramatic Failure: Some lie takes shape in the charac- he knows he worked on, he might face a breaking point. Failure: The character receives no impression of magic The Benefits of Clarity in the area. Changelings who maintain high levels of Clarity benefit Success: With a success, the changeling gains an from keener senses than their delusional brethren.
At Clar- impression of any supernatural presences and forces that ity 6 or higher, they gain bonuses on all perception-based lurk in the area. For each success rolled, ask one yes or no rolls see the chart. All their senses are heightened and. She must answer correctly and provide sensory clues character in her dreams.
It is her deep-seated emotions and as to the answer. Exceptional Success: The changeling not only senses Each of these Anchors provides two methods of Will- the presence of the occult, but sees its truest supernatural power recovery. One option recovers a single Willpower nature. She sees bloody fangs and cold hunger if she senses a point.
This option may be used multiple times in a scene. This always involves great risk and momentous events for the character, such as Drawbacks of Low Clarity risk of recapture, breaking points, and moments of defining Low Clarity has many drawbacks. Low Clarity imposes drama. At Clarity 0, a changeling is wholly detached from Masque and Mien Archetypes reality.
She becomes a pale reflection of the Gentry, a solip- Here you will find several example archetypes. The sistic monster completely without empathy or reason. This list is by no means Arcadia to join the mad dance of the True Fae.
A few exhaustive, and these examples should serve to help you rumors hint at a possible redemption for these truly Lost create and define your own archetypes. Any worthy role together shard by broken shard. Whatever the role, whether hero or villain, you Clarity comes and goes for most changelings. Such is the can fill it. Additionally, Artist each Seeming has specific terms in which they can freely The Artist demands perfection of herself.
She pours her regain Clarity once per story. With Storyteller discretion, soul into the things she creates, and she sees beauty where any meaningful story event which helps a character ground others see only objects. One Willpower: Reveal a truth in a scene, object, or action.
These are the people, places, even concepts and ideas that help changelings remember what brought them Belle home in the first place. Without their Anchors, change- Her beauty and grace commands attention. None are lings would never have survived the return trip through the more charming, alluring, or the center of the scene. Anchors: Mask, Mien, and Touchstones. All Willpower: Win the undying devotion of another.
You care for no responsibility and This is not the illusion that hides her true self from human know that someone else will always step in to take care of eyes. It is the face she presents in public, an air of magic your problems. Mask is the surface Glamour, the illusions, the lies, the fleeting truths and sur- One Willpower: Shunt responsibility for your mistakes face emotions.
She prince wreathes himself in leaves. More importantly, you must move on with the sun and seek new places of rest by share that wisdom with others so that they can avoid the the time the moon falls. Maybe she travels between areas a mistakes of the past. One Willpower: Abandon a home or relationship to All Willpower: The wisdom you bestow averts disaster seek a new one.
All Willpower: Abandon an important organization, Follower like a freehold, or leave the city in which you currently reside. The Follower is not one to lead. He prefers to stay back in the corner, taking his cues from those who know better— Predator or are willing to risk more.
The predator exists to take what she wants from those One Willpower: Follow an ally without questioning the too weak to stop her. Only the strong survive; your time in cause. Arcadia proved that. Fool All Willpower: Stalk your prey, hounding him until you have taken all he values from him. The Fool ever plays his part in the divine comedy. You show others that nothing is so gravely serious that one can- Rebel not laugh at its absurdity.
Rules hold no sway over the Rebel. He follows nothing One Willpower: Laugh or convince others to laugh at save his own will and two feet. Find the joke in a tragedy and share it with others—whether All Willpower: Act out against one of the local freehold appropriate or not. The life of the fights for a better future for herself, or others who follow Lost is one full of color and rich drama, and the romantic her lead, and refuses to accept a bad situation for what it is.
One Willpower: Refuse a compromise that might go One Willpower: Seduce someone into ignoring the against your ideal. All Willpower: Refuse safety or satisfaction when it All Willpower: Endure heart-rending loss or sacrifice would taint the purity of your ideal. Where mortal and magic meet, you seek the once did. Survivor Monster All changelings are survivors, but you are tough even You are not the refined hunter or the graceful killer.
You among the Lost. You endure the burdens that would fell are the mad beast that lives in the rank darkness beneath lesser folks. Your hunger frightens lit- tle children One Willpower: Turn away from danger to take the less risky, less rewarding path.
One Willpower: You frighten away wary mortals from a particular place. All Willpower: Risk great danger to yourself or others in order to attain your goals. All Willpower: You kill to keep the sanctity of your lair.
It is both anchor and you flesh out your character. Players should personalize lifeline to Clarity. The Touchstone is some- ters, and should be treated thus in the story.
You see in him the life you should have. The one that Touchstones are almost always mortal in nature, or born was taken from you. Most often they take the form of a per- so are the people you once called family. You want what son, although they can be places and sometimes deeply-held he has, and now his dreams are haunted by something he ideologies—there is no place like home, after all.
Or do you help him and beyond her own well-being. Their presence in her life gives those around him to live the normal life denied to you? The Friend. Players may declare any number of Touchstones, but Your friend has never stopped supporting you through gains no mechanical benefit from these or drawback until all the bad times.
See the Merit even when you took that sudden vacation without telling description for full details on the benefits of a Touchstone. Losing Touchstones should always be an important story consideration. This is the one place as though she had just satisfied her Archetype. If in the pro- you can feel safe, you can take off the mask so to speak cess she suffers serious harm or loss, she regains all spent and be yourself.
Now you know its exits into the Hedge, and your ter the cause, she can either gain the Delusional Condition magics sit upon its foundation. You can also replace a lost or try abducted you, and the first thing on your mind when dead Touchstone by gaining Clarity, playing through a story you returned. You clawed your way through the Thorns to exploring the relationship to the new Touchstone, or sim- return to her, but how can you explain the things only you ilar means.
The character may in the meantime spend the can see? How can you tell her that even a casual promise Merit points on other Merits as per the Sanctity of Merits might bind you both in the eyes of the Wyrd?
And what do rule, p. The Occultist She pretends to know more than she does, but what she does know can be quite dangerous. And you know what dangers lie hidden in the shadows. Arcadia is a realm of chaos and change, and to allow Fitting into a realm is only one aspect of a change- them to survive, Keepers must transform their captives.
The Gentry have plans for every individual ordinary humans the Gentry take to Arcadia return with they acquire. They make some into drudge-like servants inhuman forms hidden behind their Masks. That form is and transform others into living art or deadly bodyguards. Gentry use different kiths for the Keeper remakes her captive into an ever-hungry monster same purpose and the same kith for different purposes.
One with vast jaws filled with razor sharp teeth. Keeper only uses metalflesh for bodyguards, another only Changelings gain their seeming when they escape from uses draconics, and a third has guards belonging to half a Arcadia, but their Keepers decide upon their kiths when dozen different kiths.
While some changelings made deals with the Occasionally fads sweep through Arcadia, where many Gentry and chose the nature of their transformation, many Keepers suddenly wish to have more members of a spe- had little or no choice in the matter.
Instead, the Gentry cific kith. These fads and matters of taste lead to Keepers who abducted them decided how their new captive could occasionally trading changelings or one Keeper creating a best serve or amuse them and transformed the change- specific kith of changelings for dozens of Gentry in return ling according to their whims. What kith any changeling for some other reward. Also, kiths are not static. Even stories. As mortal myths and stories change, the Gentry in those cases, the changeling never quite got what she devise new kiths and some older ones fall out of fashion.
In a realm of sun ity to excel at particular sorts of tasks. Changelings have scorched sand, rivers of burning lava, and elaborate castles stereotypes about members of various kiths, and like all such made of brass, kiths associated with flame, metal, sand, and generalizations, some are true but most are not. Similarly, in a vast city and are not unique. The living breeze. While some changelings were servants or war- nature of the connection between a changeling and her kith riors, others were sources for electrical energy, decorative can be as obvious as a gloomy musician being transformed fountains, portions of animate sandstorms, or even living into a nightsinger or as subtle as transforming someone with symphonies.
However, this does not mean that all changelings what sort of strange and utterly inhuman transformations who belong to the same kith are particularly similar to one she underwent, the extent of such transformations varies another. Before her Durance, one gargantuan might have widely between changelings. When players choose kiths for their changelings, they light her Keeper chatted with before sleeping.
One razorhand member of a kith is as varied as the kiths themselves. Some might have spent her Durance as a gladiator, forced to kill Keepers transform changelings with a wave of their hand or other changelings to avoid her own painful death, while give the captive food and drink which causes her to fall asleep another might have been the pampered and fiercely loyal and then awaken forever changed. Other Keepers inflict bodyguard of a Gentry queen who treated most of her painful and sometimes horrific transformations that seemed changelings moderately well.
Even two changelings who to last for days or even weeks. Regardless of the method, the had the same kith and exactly the same duties could have results of the transformation are the same.