Dwimmermount pdf download
Tomorrow you will bring the battle to the foe. Tonight you walk among the troops you'll lead. The mercenaries are veterans and sleep while they can, but the peasants levied from your lands seek courage in tales of your previous victories.
In the cover of darkness, you can listen rather than lead. Remember when you were like them? Back when you first entered the dungeon, you wielded a sword to fight for gold, glory, and the favor of the gods.
Winning these earned you a throne. Now you wield an army, and fight for the right to rule the domains at war. Using the rules herein, your fantasy RPG characters can raise armies, campaign against enemy forces, and conquer domains. It includes a comprehensive campaign toolkit for use in ongoing games, fully compatible with ACKS's rules for mercenaries, strongholds, magic, and rulership.
Domains at War: Campaigns is compatible with any fantasy RPG system that uses twenty-sided dice and shares concepts like hit points and armor class. If your players are ready to rule, then your campaign is ready for the Domains at War: Campaigns rules.
In Curative Violence Eunjung Kim examines what the social and material investment in curing illnesses and disabilities tells us about the relationship between disability and Korean nationalism. Kim uses the concept of curative violence to question the representation of cure as a universal good and to understand how nonmedical and medical cures come with violent effects that are not only symbolic but also physical.
Writing disability theory in a transnational context, Kim tracks the shifts from the s to the present in the ways that disabled bodies and narratives of cure have been represented in Korean folktales, novels, visual culture, media accounts, policies, and activism. Whether analyzing eugenics, the management of Hansen's disease, discourses on disabled people's sexuality, violence against disabled women, or rethinking the use of disabled people as a metaphor for life under Japanese colonial rule or under the U.
Using the rules herein, you can run massive battles between opposing armies using playing pieces on the tabletop. Designed specifically for battles where RPG characters are in command, [email protected] : Battles makes the deeds and decisions of those characters the focus of its gameplay, and works hard to integrate their actions into the flow of battle.
Built from the same mathematics that power ACKS, it generates outcomes like what you'd get if you fought it out on the one-on-one roleplaying scale. Domains at War: Battles is compatible with any fantasy RPG system that uses twenty-sided dice and shares concepts like hit points and armor class. Legend tells of a wizard so arrogant that he felt the entire sky was naught but a lens for him to view the stars.
So great was his hubris and defiance that even when smote with the power of storm and fire, the wizard laughed. He feared not retribution from man nor God, for he drew his knowledge from something greater. Something darker. Something outside.
The legend of this wizard grew, first whispered by men in fear, and later in awe. But then there was no more news. No more talk. Something had finally brought the wizard low, for though the sky still blazed down on him and his abode, he no longer blazed back. And now youre going to walk right through this wizards front door. An adventure for beginning characters, players, and Referees, for use with Lamentations of the Flame Princess Weird Fantasy Role-Playing and other traditional role-playing games.
Deep dwarven cities of the underworld, Infested by conquering orcs, Enslaved by demons of skull and pyre Black labyrinths of mad demigods, Proving grounds for daring adventurers And graveyards for greedy fools Twisting passages, all alike, Where lurking trolls and shadow beasts Guard the deepest riddles of the nether Average Rating 12 ratings. The page Dwimmermount hardcover includes: 13 mapped, keyed, and stocked dungeon levels containing a total of fully-described and detailed encounter areas for players and their characters to discover — with random tables to generate even more!
A gazetteer of the lands surrounding Dwimmermount, with realms, domains, and settlements described using ACKS mechanics to support a campaign endgame. A history of the dungeon from its earliest days to the present, with innovative mechanics that reward the characters for learning the secrets of the past. Descriptions of numerous factions operating within and without the dungeon, whose activities add a further layer of complexity to Dwimmermount. Discussions of ways to approach Dwimmermount, both as a player and as a referee, including insight into the dungeon's origins and design.
Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased. Reviews 3. Please log in to add or reply to comments. Hi there. Any plans to reissue this as a POD hardcover? Would love to own this in print but the secondary market is insane right now. Hi Chris, there's no current plan to reissue POD but we have talked about doing a small crowdfunding campaign to fund a new offset run, perhaps a leatherbound deluxe book or somesuch.
Thanks for the reply, Alexander. Big fan of ACKS here, would love to participate in funding that offset run! Hi Patrick, there's no current plan to reissue POD but we have talked about doing a small crowdfunding campaign to fund a new offset run, perhaps a leatherbound deluxe book or somesuch.
I have just re-downloaded this again, and for the record, the bookmarks are fixed. There is a VERY minor issue where the Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 bookmarks point to the beginning of Section 1, but sub-marks still all work correctly. I have downloaded the new version of the file with the reported updated bookmarks and I still only get the bookmarks for Chapter 1.
Just finally picked this up. At the moment, the PDF bookmarks only cover part of Chapter 1. As this is a odd page PDF, the lack of functional bookmarks is something of an impediment to reading. Patrick, can you please reach out to me at orders autarch. I've just reviewed the file on my Dropbox and all of the bookmarks are present and functional.
Thanks for alerting me to the issue you've having. Is this meant to be on sale or not? I am hoping to pick up some more OSR material during this sale and I was eyeing a couple of ACKS products but if they aren't on sale I'll wait for now and get the discounted items I was considering first.
That was my mistake! I was trying to edit and update all the books and I accidentally deleted the discounts. I'll get this fixed ASAP.
You should be able to buy the discounted book in about 10 minutes. Though this certainly makes the decision making process on what to pick up more difficult.
October 29, pm UTC. There is one for the other version, why not for ACKS? Because I love the z-axis. It does get a little too crowded for my taste in the portion just below and to the left of the central chamber, but I think that has its own benefits, keeping the level from feeling the same throughout.
Spiralbound said:. January 19, at am. Jarrett said:. January 19, at pm. Have you thought about adding that detail as well? Would you consider including more info than the originals?
I post session reports at Olde school wizardry. And much more fun — just for all the variations. I sincerely hope you will redo the entire dungeon this way, it would make it much more fun for me to DM, as well as throwing off anyone who plays after reading the basic dungeon book! Justin Alexander said:. Is the LL version actually color? If not, will there be a less expensive print option at some point? A problem occurred while I keep getting this error.
Given the history of the product , I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The product is certainly available for download. Hi, I also would love to have a hardcover version of this book.
How can I get it? As a Kickstarter backer, let me just say that Autarch really picked up the ball and did a fabulous job. Beyond that, it's a really great megadungeon. I realize someone complained because there were rats in one room, but there are of them and that was one room. Not to mention, the complainer likes Barrowmaze, which is basically Rats in a Room the Megadungeon. Yes, this PDF includes each of the maps as a full page at the start of each dungeon or wilderness chapter.
The Dwimmermount Map Book presents them as a two-page spread, designed for printing as a separate booklet. We've updated the product description to make it clear you get all the maps and illustrations. Ariel A. Very excellent megadungeon, extremely easy to run and much more gonzo than meets the eye although not quite to the extent of something like Anomolous Subsurface Environment or similar modules.
Highly recommended [ Timothy S. Fantastic megadungeon. It was very easy to run and very flexible and adaptable. Room descriptions, stat blocks and supplementary materials are simply excellen [ See All Ratings and Reviews. Browse Categories. Wolfenoot Sale. Rule System. Apocalypse World Engine. BRP Basic Roleplaying. Modiphius 2d Savage Worlds. Product Type. Core Rulebooks. Non-Core Books.
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