How to download and extract a zip file python

Spread the love. You May Also Like. Python — Read a file line-by-line June 28, October 10, admin 0. Selection Sort in Python June 29, October 10, admin 0. Vishal's example, however great, confuses when it comes to the file name, and I do not see the merit of redefing 'zipfile'. Here is my example that downloads a zip that contains some files, one of which is a csv file that I subsequently read into a pandas DataFrame:.

This is the exact solution that worked for me. It wasn't obvious in Vishal's answer what the file name was supposed to be in cases where there is no file on disk. I've modified his answer to work without modification for most needs. Use the zipfile module. This is because the result of a web request returned by urlopen doesn't support seeking:.

If you already have the file downloaded locally, you don't need BytesIO , just open it in binary mode and pass to ZipFile directly:. Again, note that you have to open the file in binary 'rb' mode , not as text or you'll get a zipfile. BadZipFile: File is not a zip file error. It's good practice to use all these things as context managers with the with statement, so that they'll be closed properly.

Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Downloading and unzipping a. Asked 10 years, 7 months ago.

Active 12 days ago. Viewed k times. I am now at a loss to achieve the next step. Here is my current script which works but unfortunately has to write the files to disk.

URLLister parser. ZipFile outputFilename for name in zfobj. Improve this question. Mel 5, 10 10 gold badges 37 37 silver badges 40 40 bronze badges. ZIP format isn't designed to be streamed. It would be so kind of you to do so — Sarvagya Dubey.

Jeremiah England Jeremiah England 7 7 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges. Answers should not rely on links for the bulk of their content.

Links can go dead, or the content on the other side can be changed to no longer answer the question. Please edit your answer to include a summary or explanation of the information you link points to. And can this parameter affect the speed of downloading? Here's what I got to work in Python 3: import zipfile, urllib. Webucator Webucator 1, 16 16 silver badges 26 26 bronze badges. How can avoid this error: urllib.

I think the issue your facing is addressed here: stackoverflow. Webucator What if the zipped folder contains several files, then all those files will get extracted and stored in the system. I want to extract and get just one file from the zipped folder.

Any way to achieve this? But how do you parse results. ZipFile results. Then just parse through the files using ZipFile. Super lightweight solution to save a. Theo F Theo F 1 1 gold badge 7 7 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges. AtomStore yes? Is there an issue with my answer? My answer works for the link I tested with.

The following example function provides a ready-to-use generator based approach on iterating over the files in the ZIP:. Solution: In Python3 can use io.

ZipFile io. BytesIO response. This website uses cookies to improve your experience.


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