Mhw iceborne downloaded on ps4
Redeemed it yesterday, I closed and opened the app, checked the housekeeper cat but it showed nothing to claim. I didnt even get the notifications of add on when opening up the game. I did what you did and tried going through the PSStore both ways, through the site and on console. But it wasnt until today that I opened up the game that I got the notification and claimed it from cat.
So give it a day. The darkest shadows are cast by the brightest light. Semeki But did yours download the add-on? Because mine won't download the add-on at all it still says "Download" on the PSN store or Library Mine did this as well but the game acted like it was already downloaded and my monster hunt world PS4 Icon changes into Iceborne. I had the dlc the second I started the game. Also, under the Notifications tab, it doesnt list Iceborne add-on as downloaded. The last thing it shows that have been downloaded was just the Patch update for Iceborne but no add-on.
I had similar issue. For me it wasn't even downloading the patch. Things to check: 1. When you launch game, what is the version? Is DLC from same region as your game? Still have the same problem. Is this region problem? I thought all the DLC receive same release date in all other region. Man,I'm so hype to play this game.
I will be really pissed off if I can't play it this weekend. User Info: Belgarath. I'm on the Xbox and have the same issue which is weird because I bought the physical copy. Still doesn't work for me. I have the main game in physical copy while the DLC in digital. Is it because of this it doesn't work?
Should I try the delete and download the game again? My save game should still be there right and I don't need to pay anymore. Belgarath posted More topics from this board How many of you still play? How to unlock region 7 in Guiding Lands?
Side Quest 1 Answer Why can't i augment weapons yet? Tech Support 1 Answer What Alatreon long sword builds? I bought the disc and it was labeled Monster Hunter World :Iceborne. Yet none of these 'updated' features are present. Was it a redeemable code or is it like, an update? So from reading the comments Below ill Summirize what i see.
Group A - Git Gud or go home Group B - The isnt fun anymore go back to old MH Group C - Iceborne was fun it offers the experience i wanted and felt it needed Glad i was able to save you guys time from reading long comments. Take Care. Beaten Iceborne with just low rank armor and equipment.
Didn't even upgrade any weapons and armor. Monsters are too predictable and bad AI. Feels like I'm playing DMC on easy mode. Sad to see the franchise moving towards this direction.
Very disappointed. Those who disapprove or disagree with the message above can use their orifice and create a vacuum where my reproductive male organ is. Why cling to your sanity? It offers you nothing. Surrender to me, and I will grant you everything. Stupid weapon models for great swords.. Sign In Help Sign Out. Toggle navigation. Search Results. New Moves The Slinger can now be used while the main weapon is drawn, regardless of weapon type.
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