Download binary as pdf
It will upload the file in the database and display back to the view is as follows-. Now, see the image, given below, of the table, which shows how the preceding uploaded file data is stored as-. From the preceding image, its clear that our uploaded file is stored into the database in the binary format. Now, click download button and it will show the following popup as-. Now, choose, whether to open the file or save the file according to your convenience.
After opening the file, it will show the following contents, based on the uploaded file as-. I hope, from the preceding examples, you have learned, how to upload and download PDF files in the binary format from the database In ASP.
Note This article used dapper ORM to interact with the database. Thus, you need to install dapper ORM into the Application. Download the zip file of the sample Application for a better understanding. Makes changes in web. Since this is a demo, it might not be using the proper standards. Thus, improve it, depending on your skills. I hope, this article is useful for all the readers.
If you have any suggestions, please contact me. Read more articles on ASP. NET 4. Next Recommended Reading. NoCache ;. BinaryWrite bytes ;. Flush ;. End ;. QueryString "Id". Dim bytes As Byte. AddWithValue " Id" , id. If context. AppendHeader "Content-Disposition" , Convert. BinaryWrite bytes. Return False. End Get. End Property. End Class. Adobe PDF Reader installed. Adobe PDF Reader not installed. Related Articles.
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Write bit, 0, bit. UrlEncode fileName, System. AddHeader "Content-Length", fs. ToString ; Response. Read readData, 0, size ; Response.